Not sure what a GAD (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase) antibody test is? Read on to find out why it’s so important.
Not sure what a GAD (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase) antibody test is? Read on to find out why it’s so important.
Diabetes stigma is a huge issue in South Africa: we all know this. But how can we change that? How can we end diabetes stigma? Let’s talk about it.
Ever wonder why it’s important to know about diabetes-related complications? Phumzile Mtshali discovered she had complications and has since received a kidney and pancreas transplant. Read her story below…
It’s a whole new year! Here’s what Sweet Life has planned in 2025 – will you join us (please)?
Friends, it has been a thrilling year! Here are a few of the Sweet Life 2024 highlights.
Oh my goodness but we are so excited to share the Sweet Life Cookbook with you!
And last but not least, it’s time for the 5 Symptoms Friends Challenge entries! As part of #WearBlueforDiabetes, we encouraged friends across South Africa to share the 5 symptoms of diabetes in the most innovative way. Take a look!
As part of #WearBlueforDiabetes, we encourage families across South Africa to share the 5 symptoms of diabetes in the most innovative way: welcome to the 5 Symptoms Families Challenge!
As part of #WearBlueforDiabetes, we encourage schools across South Africa to share the 5 symptoms of diabetes in the most innovative way: welcome to the 5 Symptoms Schools Challenge!
Picture this: it’s 1986 and you’ve just been diagnosed with diabetes. You’re given a glucose testing monitor, syringes and insulin, and a book. That’s it. You know one thing: avoid sugar at all costs. Trevor Pope explains how times have changed!
Here’s how to download the Unu Health app to access the Sweet Life Chatbot.
Big news! Sweet Life has officially launched our WhatsApp diabetes education chatbot.
Do you feel part of a diabetes community? Bridget McNulty unpacks why it’s so important to her.
Real life can be stressful. Add diabetes on top of it, and juggling life with diabetes is a real challenge. Bridget McNulty wants your advice……
Some days we all need some diabetes advice.
If there’s one topic sure to get people shouting in all caps, it’s what people with diabetes ‘should’ eat. Bridget McNulty has a few opinions to share (surprise surprise!)
Snacking with diabetes is hard. What are you supposed to eat that doesn’t spike your blood sugar? That’s why we’re delighted to share this healthy, low carb, low cost snack recipe with you: Quick and tasty mini quiche.
Managing diabetes on a budget is a challenge! We asked our community for tips – take a look below, and you may be surprised at how much you can stretch your grocery budget!
When we asked our community of South Africans with Diabetes if they had any questions for our diabetes experts, they did! So we asked them your diabetes questions… Here are the answers from our Panel of Experts.
I don’t know about you, but it is freezing in Cape Town. And diabetes in winter offers a whole new set of challenges. Bridget McNulty unpacks them here…
We asked our Panel of Experts for answers to the questions you had from our Facebook page South Africans with Diabetes. Here’s all you need to know!
If there’s one topic we get asked about all the time, it’s the insulin pump. What is it? How does it work? How can you get it covered by medical aid? Here are answers to all your questions: the ultimate guide to the insulin pump.
Friends, I am really excited about diabetes advocacy in SA, and here’s why…
Last year, we asked you to take part in the FIND Willingness to Pay for CGM survey. Here are the results!
How and where do you get your diabetes support? Do you feel supported? Let’s talk about it…
Taking part in a research study is a fantastic way to help future patients and gain access to potential new treatments. Read on to find out if you could take part in this research study.
If you’ve been on any of our social media platforms in the last week, you will have heard about the insulin petition. Let’s talk about…
How do Ramadan and diabetes combine? What are some guidelines for Muslims wanting to observe Ramadan? We asked Dr Nafisa Khan and Tahmeed Omar to share their insights.
We know that it can be hard to take in all the information you need to manage diabetes. If you’re looking for an easy way…
This is a tricky one. Does your doctor understand you? Do you understand your doctor? Let’s talk about doctors and diabetes.
What to eat when you have diabetes is the number 1 question we get asked. And for good reason! Diabetes and food are so closely related. Here are a few thoughts on this hot topic…
Living with a chronic condition comes with a certain amount of stress. How you manage that stress will determine the effects it can have on your sugar levels.
It’s nearly the end of the tax year! Which might not mean much to you, but means that some people and companies are looking for tax-deductible donations to offset their tax liability. Here’s how Sweet Life can help.
“This book is written in an approachable style by a person living with Type 1 diabetes. It serves as a management and care guide, emphasizing on sick day protocol and providing advice on relationships and travel,” says author of the book, Gabriela Richter who has been living with Type 1 diabetes for 18 years.
Do you ever feel guilty about your diabetes? About the choices you make and the food you eat, for example? Bridget McNulty shares some thoughts about diabetes guilt.
The 2024 Diabetes Journal is here! What a beautiful way to kick off the New Year. Together with Abbott Diabetes Care and FreeStyle Libre, we’ve…
November is always one of our busiest month of the year and each year our media coverage gets even bigger. National Diabetes Month 2023 was…
“Nobody asks for this. Nobody wants this for their little one. The biggest hurt and shock of my life was when my little girl fell ill and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes,” said Nova’s mom. She explains the struggle of caring for a child with Type 1 diabetes.
What a year it’s been for Sweet Life! Here are a few of our Sweet Life 2023 highlights.
The festive season is upon us! And it can be tricky to navigate with diabetes… Bridget McNulty shares her top tips for festive wellness with diabetes.
To celebrate National Diabetes Month, we asked our Facebook community to share a special School Challenge… and the response was amazing. Take a look at these fantastic #WearBlueforDiabetes 5 Symptoms Challenge entries!
This November, we’re calling on all South Africans to #WearBlueforDiabetes & Know the 5! But what if you want to go beyond the 5 symptoms of diabetes, and understand your condition more? We’ve partnered with Sanofi to bring you all you need to know.
November is National Diabetes Month, and the 14th November is World Diabetes Day. We’re delighted to share the many events on offer for people living with diabetes this month.
Please join in at any or all of the below!
Having successfully completed the Cape Town Marathon and Magoebaskloof Ultra, Type 1 Robert Barnsley is unstoppable. His next challenge is the Giants Cup Uncut 62km in April 2024 which is part of the Drakensburg Ultra. Here’s his best advice for ultra trail running with diabetes.
Pamela Durant is the mother of a child with Type 1 diabetes. The diagnosis led her to start a diabetes caretaker community – Diapoint. We ask Pamela about her journey.
We’ve been thinking about diabetes education a lot lately – specifically because we’re now in the Top 3 of the DCB Digital Diabetes Innovation Challenge, with our education solution! (We are so excited.) Bridget McNulty explains…
When it comes to discussions about diabetes, lived experience is essential. Bridget McNulty unpacks why, and how to make it more of a priority in South Africa.
We’re so excited to announce that an updated version of the award-winning Low Carb Solution for Diabetes has just been published! The Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Handbook.