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About Us

About us

Sweet Life is an inspiring diabetes community for South Africans with diabetes. We are a registered non-profit with a single focus: to empower people with diabetes in South Africa.

Sweet Life is a diabetes community that informs, inspires and connects people with diabetes in South Africa. You can get expert advice on all you need to know about diabetes and join a community of South Africans with diabetes. Just because you have diabetes, doesn’t mean you can’t live a happy, healthy life.

South Africa’s largest online diabetes community

As a registered NPO (220-984) and PBO (930066897), our mission is:

  • To solve diabetes education in SA, by testing out different formats and languages.
  • To empower people with diabetes on their journey to a healthy, happy life – by providing answers to all their diabetes questions, and a community to support and share their experiences.
  • To bring diabetes into the national spotlight by creating media-friendly talking points around diabetes, so that it’s a frequent topic of discussion on radio and TV.

    Our focus is on simple, easy-to-understand information for South Africans with diabetes: foundational diabetes education building blocks.

    Our values are authenticity, empowerment and empathy.

    Our vision is a South Africa where diabetes is a well-managed condition.

Diabetes isn’t just a medical condition: our team includes top diabetes experts in South Africa. These diabetes experts help us to provide you with reliable, relevant and medically accurate diabetes information.

Sweet Life Voices

Bridget McNulty

Co-founder of Sweet Life, living with Type 1 diabetes

Bridget McNulty is an internationally published author, co-founder of Sweet Life and one of South Africa’s most trusted diabetes voices. She is also the co-founder and current chairperson of SA Diabetes Advocacy, a board member of the Diabetes Alliance, and a member of the IDF Blue Circle Voices. She often speaks about diabetes on national radio and TV.


Shiara Pillay

Shiara Pillay

Project Manager at Sweet Life, living with Type 1 diabetes

Shiara Pillay holds her honours degree in Development Studies, along with a deep love for tangible sustainable development. Her passion lies in incorporating her knowledge and experiences into her offerings as an active citizen and lifelong learner. Living with Type 1 diabetes, she has been an active member of the diabetes community for well over a decade.

Sweet Life Board

Lynette Ntuli

Lynette Ntuli

Founder and CEO of Innate Investment Solutions

Lynette Ntuli is the Founder and CEO of Innate Investment Solutions. She has held executive leadership positions in diverse sectors, and sits on the boards of various listed and unlisted organisations as a non-executive director. Lynette is passionate about sustainability, people-centered governance and socio-economic development.

Amanda Saunders

Dr. Amanda Saunders

Doctor specialising in Family Medicine

Dr. Amanda Saunders is a public clinic doctor with an MBChB (UKZN), a Diploma in Anaesthesia and presently completing a specialisation in Family Medicine at UCT. She has a deep passion for our public healthcare system, and an interest in how to improve healthcare in South Africa, following exposure to other healthcare systems.

Sebastian Thompson

Co-founder of Gravity Ideas and Lake Innovation

Sebastian Thompson is a behavioural design practitioner and the co-founder of two of South Africa’s most respected behavioural science companies. Sebastian is working to make the world a better place by designing for the mind, and curious about how this can be applied to diabetes.

Nobuntu Webster

Business leader and development strategist, Deputy Leader: BOSA

Nobuntu Webster is a recognised business leader and development strategist, focusing on media strategy in social and economic development. Nobuntu has extensive leadership experience chairing development organisations such as the International Women’s Forum SA, Businesswomen’s Association of SA and KZN Youth Chamber of Commerce.

Claire Barnardo

Claire Barnardo

Case Writing Centre Manager at UCT Graduate School of Business

Claire Barnardo is the Case Writing Centre Manager at the UCT Graduate School of Business, and one of the original founding members of Sweet Life. Prior to cases, Claire was an experienced print editor and journalist. She is passionate about writing and championing African and emerging market business cases.

Our diabetes information is supported by South African experts.

Independent Code

Sweet Life subcribes to the The Independent Code of Governance for NGOS in South Africa.

Sweet Life is a registered NPO/PBO (220-984) with a single goal: to improve diabetes in South Africa. We are funded by sponsorships and donations from aligned companies and organisations who believe in our work. We only share information that we believe benefits our community. While some of this information is linked to specific brands, it is not an official endorsement of that brand. We believe in empowering people with diabetes to make the best decisions they can, to live a healthy, happy life with diabetes.

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