Living with a chronic condition comes with a certain amount of stress. How you manage that stress will determine the effects it can have on your sugar levels.
When you have family with diabetes, it can feel as if you’re living with the condition too. We offer some advice and support to all those living alongside diabetes – whether you’re parenting a child with diabetes, living with a diabetic husband, or just looking for tips for the whole family.
Living with a chronic condition comes with a certain amount of stress. How you manage that stress will determine the effects it can have on your sugar levels.
We had the most wonderful Facebook Live session about being the partner of someone with diabetes, and wanted to share it with you.
What do you do with your unused and unwanted diabetes supplies? Diabetic Accessories have launched a Diabetes Donation Drive to distribute them to people in need.
When we decided to do a second season of the South Africans with Diabetes podcast, the first thing I wanted to do was talk about the awkward stuff… The things we’re all thinking about, but haven’t really brought into the open. One of those things is diabetes stigma. Is it real? Is it worse for people with Type 2 diabetes? What do we do about it, and how do we make it better?
Easter with diabetes is a challenge for all of us… Diabetes guilt can be particularly difficult around big holidays like Easter and Christmas, even if you don’t celebrate them, because there are so many ‘illegal’ treats on offer.
What are you doing on Friday 12th November? Would you like to join the #WearBlueForDiabetes movement by wearing blue for diabetes?
What do you do if your child has Type 1 diabetes and isn’t getting the support they need at school?
If your child has Type 1 diabetes, you have your hands full. We have all kinds of articles about diabetes and children, particularly kids and…
Kids with diabetes are just like kids without diabetes… in many ways. In many other ways, there are all kinds of special considerations to be…
There’s been a lot of talk on our Diabetic South Africans Facebook page about how diabetes affects the whole family. Especially after this guest article…
Ever wondered what it’s like to be on the other side of diabetes – the partner of someone with diabetes? Here at Sweet Life, we’ve…
“One of my children has diabetes, the other doesn’t. How do I make changes that the whole family can adopt so that my daughter doesn’t…
“My husband is a diabetic, and I would like to know how long it takes before diabetes affects your liver? Should I be worrying about…
“My dad is a poorly controlled Type 2 diabetic, and he doesn’t seem to care. I keep telling him how serious his condition is and…
“I’m looking for some tips or advice on how to communicate better with my diabetic wife. She has Type 1 diabetes and when she goes…
“One of my best friends is a Type 1 diabetic and she often skips taking her insulin to keep her weight down… I know this…
A diabetic pregnancy “I’m sure all husbands worry about their pregnant wives, but it’s extra worrying because my wife is diabetic and has to be…
We all know how exhausting living with diabetes can be – here are 10 easy ways to offer support to your diabetic partner. Being a…
“I feel like my husband thinks that if I don’t see him cheating on his diet, it doesn’t count. I don’t want to be a…
“Hi. This may seem like a silly question, but I want to know how do you tell a new partner that you have diabetes? Or…
“This year I have a diabetic child in my class and I don’t really know what to do. I want to make him feel supported…
“My son is a Type 1 diabetic, but I don’t want to be overly protective and make him feel he can’t do anything. Do you…
How to help a friend with diabetes “A friend at work is diabetic, and I’ve never really thought about it before because he seems to…
“My teenage son doesn’t want to take his insulin. He rebels against it as if it’s something only I want him to do, not something…
“I’m worried that my wife is suffering from diabetes burnout. She seems exhausted by her condition and uninterested in getting it back under control. What…
“My friend was just diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and weirdly the thing that’s bothering him most is what people will think. He doesn’t want…
“My son has just been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and we all feel like our world has been turned upside down. But he’s really…
“My son was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and I want to know what to do about children’s parties and play dates? I don’t…
How to help a friend with diabetes: “I would like to know to help and support a friend who has diabetes. My friend is a…
“What can you guys tell me about mood swings in Type 1s? Happy the one day, negative the next? What advice do you have for…