We were so inspired to hear about teenager Neve Quail, champion archer and living with Type 1 diabetes. We asked her to share her story here…

Could you tell us your diagnosis story?
All I can remember is that I told my mom I kept finishing all my orange juice (I drank quite a bit) and it was very unusual, I also went to the loo a lot. When we got home my brother – who has Type 1 diabetes – tested me and I was high. That’s how I found out I was diabetic.
Your brother also has Type 1 – did that make it any easier for you?
No, I’m much better at controlling my diabetes than him! He’s on a pump now, so it’s very different.
How did you get into archery?
At the end of 2018, beginning of 2019, I went on a fun night with my scout troop and we did archery. After a few weeks of nagging my mom and dad, they finally allowed me to start doing archery. I started with a beginners archery course and have gone on to compete nationally.
Is it difficult to manage blood sugar doing competitions?
No, I test before, during and after. I have the FreeStyle Libre so testing is quick and painless.
What would you say to someone with diabetes who is struggling?
It takes five minutes a day to test and inject and in those five minutes you are able to either fix a high or a low or to ensure that your sugar is in range. Just remember it takes 5 minutes a day to stay healthy. I’m Neve first and diabetic second…
Diabetes doesn’t control your life, you do.
Neve Quail
What makes your life sweet?
Getting fetched from school by my grandparents. Coming home to a happy house to see my three-legged dog with a smile on her face. Being able to play sport and to be in my own happy little world while doing it.
In the 2022 South African National Archery Championships, Neve Quail received a Gold Medal as well as the 2022 Recurve Girls u15 National Champion. She also set a new South African record, and achieved her Provincial and National Colours for the 2022 shooting year. Find out more here.
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