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Izicwangciso zokutya zosuku ezisi-7 ezinee-carb eziphantsi

Izicwangciso zokutya zinokuba luncedo kakhulu, kodwa kude kube ngoku, khange sibe nesicwangciso sokutya se-carb eziphantsi ukuze sabelane nawe. Namhlanje, oko kutshintshiwe! Ngoku unokukhetha phakathi kwesicwangciso sokutya esilinganiselweyo kwiPick n Pay, izicwangciso zokutya ezintlanu ezisempilweni ezivela eSanofi (kubandakanya imifuno, ezemali ephantsi mali kunye neIndiya) kunye nezi zicwangciso ezibini zokutya zecarb eziphantsi kwiZicwangciso zokutya zeentsuku ezisixhenxe zeBanting. Kukho icebo lomntu wonke!

Nazi izicwangciso zokutya ezimbini zecarb eziphantsi onokukhetha kuzo: isicwangciso sokutya seentsuku ezisixhenxe, kunye nohlahlo-lwabiwo mali lwesicwangciso sokutya seentsuku ezisixhenxe. Cofa kwikhonkco elingezantsi komfanekiso ngamnye ukukhuphela. Fumana ngakumbi malunga nendlela elula yokutya i-carb ephantsi kunye nengxoxo ephantsi ye-carb-fat-protein diet, kwaye ujonge indlela yokubeka isitokhwe se-carb esezantsi.

Izidlo esineecarb eziphantsi sentsuku ezisi-7

Isicwangciso zezidlo zemali efikekelelekayo

Amacebo ebanting omtu wonke

Ezi zicwangciso zokutya zivela kwincwadi yesiCwangciso sokutya seNtsuku ezi-7: iindlela zokupheka ezili-100 zamalungu eqela eli-1.7 lezigidi. Inika ukubetha uhlahlo-lwabiwo mali, izicwangciso zokutya, iingcebiso kunye namaqhinga.

Akubhalwanga ngoososayensi, oogqirha okanye izondlo kodwa ngabantu abathathu abaye bathatha isigqibo sokubuyisa impilo yabo. Baqhuba i-Banting yentsuku ezisi-7 kwiqela leFacebook, enabalandeli abangaphezu kwezigidi ezi-2.3-elona qela likhulu lokutya emhlabeni kwi-Facebook.

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Sweet Life is a registered NPO/PBO (220-984) with a single goal: to improve diabetes in South Africa. We are funded by sponsorships and donations from aligned companies and organisations who believe in our work. We only share information that we believe benefits our community. While some of this information is linked to specific brands, it is not an official endorsement of that brand. We believe in empowering people with diabetes to make the best decisions they can, to live a healthy, happy life with diabetes.

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