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Ingaba uyazazi iimpawu ezi-5 zesifo seswekile?

Umntu omnye  kwaba-2 onesifo seswekile akafumaneki eMzantsi Afrika. Yiyo loo nto kubalulekile ukuba wabelane ngeempawu ezi-5 zesifo seswekile nawo wonke umntu omaziyo. Yile nto intshukumo yazi isifo seswekile imalunga nayo: singayitshintsha inombolo yokuchonga ngokwabelana ngezi mpawu nosapho kunye nabahlobo, kwaye sibacela ukuba babelane ngazo. Sijoyine kubemi boMzantsi Afrika abaneswekile ukuze ufumane ulwazi malunga nokuba ungaphila njani kakuhle neswekile.

5 symptoms of diabetes

Iimpawu ezi-5 zeswekile

  1. Ukulamba kakhulu
  2. Ukunxanwa okugqithisileyo
  3. Ukufuna ukuchama kakhulu
  4. Ukudinwa
  5. Ukungaboni kakuhle

Ukutshekishwa iswekile egazini lakho kuyakhawuleza kwaye kulula – iziphumo zikhawuleza kwaye zithatha kuphela imizuzu emi-5. Nceda ukhuthaze wonke umntu omaziyo ukuba ahlolwe iswekile yegazi minyaka le!

test your blood sugar for symptoms of diabetesIngaba unayo nayiphi na imibuzo malunga neswekile? Jonga icandelo lethu loLwazi lweSwekile kwaye usebenzise ibha yokukhangela ukuze ufumane iimpendulo. Usenombuzo? Sithumelele i-imeyile kwaye siza kufumana iingcali zethu zeswekile ukuze siziphendule.

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Sweet Life is a registered NPO/PBO (220-984) with a single goal: to improve diabetes in South Africa. We are funded by sponsorships and donations from aligned companies and organisations who believe in our work. We only share information that we believe benefits our community. While some of this information is linked to specific brands, it is not an official endorsement of that brand. We believe in empowering people with diabetes to make the best decisions they can, to live a healthy, happy life with diabetes.

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