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Get your free 2022 Diabetes Journal

Together with Abbott Diabetes Care and FreeStyle Libre, we’ve created a beautiful 2022 Diabetes Journal. It’s aimed specifically at those living with Type 1 diabetes, and it’s all about how behaviour change can help you live a happy, healthy life with diabetes. Here’s a taste of what it looks like!

Get your free 2022 Diabetes Journal!

Download a digital copy of the 2022 Diabetes Journal here.

UPDATE: Sign-ups for the journal have now closed because all 10,000 copies have been claimed!

The 2023 Diabetes Journal will be released in November 2022 – follow Sweet Life on Facebook (Diabetic South Africans) and Instagram ( to be the first to know!

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  1. Sonja Sonja

    Why not one for diebetic 2 too please

    • Type 2 diabetics can also sign up for one, there are just some elements that are specifically Type 1 (taking insulin immediately etc). You’re welcome to get one!

      • Pauline Pauline

        I think it’s a nice idea and I’m sure it will still be useful for type 2 diabetic like myself.

  2. Nadine Singh Nadine Singh

    How do you get a copy if you are already a subscriber?

    • Hi Nadine! If you click on ‘I want to receive communication from Abbott’ (the ‘yes please’ box), it will ask you to update your delivery details and update the system.

      • Sorry it is impossible to sign up for the free copy if you are already subscriber. Somehow keeps taking me back to the same page and then says too many sign up requests for this email address!

  3. Kerry Hall Kerry Hall

    When I click on link to order a free journal, it tells that I am already subscribed- is this gift only for new subscribers?

  4. Annetjie Pelser Annetjie Pelser

    I would like to know more about diabetes

    • You’ve come to the right place! What would you like to know? You can search for any info on this website in the search bar, and let us know if you have any questions that aren’t answered.

  5. Audrey Audrey

    Good evening, I’m battling to send my address to you for the journal. What did I do

What do you think?

Sweet Life is a registered NPO/PBO (220-984) with a single goal: to improve diabetes in South Africa. We are funded by sponsorships and donations from aligned companies and organisations who believe in our work. We only share information that we believe benefits our community. While some of this information is linked to specific brands, it is not an official endorsement of that brand. We believe in empowering people with diabetes to make the best decisions they can, to live a healthy, happy life with diabetes.

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