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Category: Stories

Inspiring diabetes stories about living well with Type 1 or Type 2 from those who have just been diagnosed to those who have lived with diabetes for years. We feature everyone from those who have lived with Type 1 diabetes for decades, to a famous singer with Type 2 diabetes, and our own Diabetic South Africans community.

September 20th, 2017 | Sweet Life | 3 min read

Agents for Change

What is Agents for Change? We chat to Buyelwa Majikela-Dlangamandla, a diabetes educator who trains local healthcare workers in a programme called Agents for Change,…

Sweet Life is a registered NPO/PBO (220-984) with a single goal: to improve diabetes in South Africa. We are funded by sponsorships and donations from aligned companies and organisations who believe in our work. We only share information that we believe benefits our community. While some of this information is linked to specific brands, it is not an official endorsement of that brand. We believe in empowering people with diabetes to make the best decisions they can, to live a healthy, happy life with diabetes.

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