“I’m looking for some tips or advice on how to communicate better with my diabetic wife. She has Type 1 diabetes and when she goes low it’s sometimes hard for me to know what to do, and hard for her to explain how she’s feeling. Also when she goes high, but low is more of a problem, because it can get dangerous. Any tips?” Luke Jacobs.
Dear Luke,
I think it’s really great that you are involved in helping your wife cope with her diabetes. The challenges faced by those who care about someone with diabetes are rarely discussed, and very real.
Diabetes is riddled with valleys and waves, otherwise known as lows and highs, and this can be totally frustrating – as well as scary – both for the diabetic and their spouse. Good diabetes management limits the frequency of lows and highs, but there is no guarantee. And there are so many factors that can influence blood sugar that there’s no such thing as a ‘perfect’ diabetic.
So what now?
First of all it’s important for you to be able to identify when your wife is going low. Sometimes, people who have had diabetes for a long time lose the ability to feel their lows – this is where you come in. Learn how to treat a low. Keep some glucose sweets or jelly beans with you so that you can help her if her blood sugar suddenly drops. Don’t be afraid to suggest she checks her blood sugar if you think she’s acting funny.
The trick is to be diplomatic about this. The last thing a wife with diabetes wants is pity – and what woman can be responsible for being snippy when her blood sugar is at 3mmol/L?
– Jeannie Berg, Diabetes Educator
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Hi my family is dibetic i am 43 and for the last few weeks with heat i am not feeling my self blood presure up amd down can be under fan still hot when i wake up after a nap hands jot burning feet sore too and hot i know have cirulation problems due too injury i use slowmag vitiam b complex can i ne in start of diabeties or just jeat we have latley i drink alot of water alwaus love water too thanks
Hi Laticia, have you had your blood sugar checked? It’s a simple fingerprick blood test at your local clinic or pharmacy and will let you know if you’re at risk. Please get it checked and let us know the result?