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Ongcweti abahamba phambili ekulweni nesifo sikashukela eNingizimu Afrika

Sihlale sithola umbuzo omunye ekhasini lethu laku facebook Diabetic South Africans Facebook page njalo ngesonto: othi bacela sibaphe uhlu lezincweti ezilwa nalesifo emadolobheni ahlukene.

diabetes doctor and diabetes specialist in south africa

Emva kwalokho ke siye sibuze kwabanolwazi kulendima futhi sithola nezimpendulo ezijabulisayo. Ngikubone kuwu mbono omuhle futhi nongasiza ukuthi ngenze uhlu lwabo ongcweti abanolwazi ngalesifo, bhekani kuleli khasi elilandelayo. Kulabo ngcweti abakuloluhlu kuphindwe kwafakwa izincomo zalaba abasebebasizile bebonga ngosizo lwabo labodokotela. Nabantu abanalo olunye ulwazi ngabanye ongcweti abangekho kuleli khasi bayagqugquzelwa ukuba bafake isandla. Ulwazi abanalo bangalufaka ekhasini lwenkundla yezokuxhumana u facebook elibizwa nge Diabetic South Africans Facebook page.

Loluhlu ke olwabantu abawongcweti kulesifo diabetes community, okubalwa kubo abafundisa ngalesifo emphakathi, kanye no sonhlakahle abasiza abantu abanaso.


Zitholele ungcweti eJoburg:

  • Dr Zaheer Bayat
  • Dr Sundeep Ruder
  • Dr Segal at Donald Gordon (Wits University Donald Gordon Medical Centre)
  • Prof Wing at Donald Gorden Institute – (011) 356-6000‬.
    Amazing. He changed my life 4 years ago!
  • Dr Adri Kok, Union Hospital, Alberton
  • CDE in Houghton – 011 712 6000‬
    Fantastic facility! I’m under the superb control and guidance of Dr. Stanley Landau.
    1) Doctors and endocrinologists.
    2) Gym
    3) Dieticians
    4) Lancet Laboratory
    5) Chemist
    Doesn’t get much better than this!
  • Dr Mayet at CDE Houghton is a diabetologist, Dr David Segal specializes in paediatric diabetes.
    Depends on whether you have medical aid or not. As a private patient the fees are less than for medical aids.
    Dr Segal is a pediatric diabetic endocrinologist and excellent with children.
  • Dr Debbie Gordon at the Centre for Diabetes – 011 356 6040.
    She is absolutely amazing.
  • CDE Houghton:
    Podiatrist – Rae Bernstein
    Diabetic Nurse Educator – Vanessa Brown
    Ophthalmologist – Dr Peter Van Lingen/Dr A Taylor Donald
  • Dr Brian Kramer or Prof Larry Distiller.
  • Tabitha Hume is a really helpful registered dietician.
  • Dr Erasmus and associates in Benoni:
    Dr Erasmus is the best
  • Diabetic Clinic at Charlotte Maxeke Hospital
    Johannesburg Hospital (Charlotte Maxeke) has the best diabetic specialist in SA
  • Diabetic Educator Charlotte Meschede at Parkmore Medical Centre
  • Dr Reyneke at Life Springs Parkland
  • Dr Chiba at Clinton Hospital Alberton
  • Dr Andre Pieterse, Linksfield
  • Jen Whittal: diabetic educator in Bryanston – 083 441 5089.
    She empowers you with choices to make wise decisions that truly have you smiling.
  • Dr Jhetam: ophthalmologist at Milpark Hospital and private clinic in Lenasia

Zitholele ungcweti eCenturion:

Zitholele ungcweti ePretoria:

Zitholele ungcweti eBoksburg:


Zitholele ungcweti eSecunda:

Zitholele ungcweti eWitbank:

  • Dr Lombard and Kate Ratcliff at the Diabetic Clinic in Witbank – 013 697 2407
    I have been with them for almost 8 years now and have got my HBA1C from 10.8 to 6.0. They arrange all your yearly appointments with Kate, the diabetic educator, the podiatrist, eye specialist and dietitian. You also see Dr Lombard every time you see the previously mentioned people. They have received awards with the medical association and are all just awesome!
  • Dr Kathy Bridgens: ophthamologist


Zitholele ungcweti eThekwini “Durban”:

Zitholele ungcweti ePietermaritzburg:

Thola ungcweti eHilton:

Free State

Zitholele ungcweti eWelkom:

Eastern Cape

Zitholele ungcweti ePort Elizabeth:

Thola ungcweti e East London:

  • Dr Sean Murray
  • Unathi Daweti: diabetes nurse educator
    She is the best…

Western Cape

Thola ungcweti eKapa “Cape Town”:

Sibambisene kulento.

Translation by Siboniso Langa

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Sweet Life is a registered NPO/PBO (220-984) with a single goal: to improve diabetes in South Africa. We are funded by sponsorships and donations from aligned companies and organisations who believe in our work. We only share information that we believe benefits our community. While some of this information is linked to specific brands, it is not an official endorsement of that brand. We believe in empowering people with diabetes to make the best decisions they can, to live a healthy, happy life with diabetes.

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