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New study tests newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetics

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Newcastle University in the United Kingdom has recently published the findings of a controversial study on Type 2 diabetics. The study was an extreme eight-week diet of only 600 calories a day that resulted in 7 of the 11 subjects reversing their diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes (all of the subjects were recently diagnosed, i.e. in the last 4 years).

The drastic diet reduced fat levels in the pancreas and liver, which helped insulin levels and insulin absorption return to a normal range. However, the study needs further research to determine if the results are permanent (i.e. if the condition has been completely reversed). It was also a completely unsustainable diet, consisting of liquid diet drinks and non-starchy vegetables. The lead author of the study, Professor Roy Taylor, the director of the Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre at Newcastle University made it very clear that they did not intend people to follow the diet, it was simply to test what would happen when those with Type 2 diabetes lost significant amounts of weight.

It must also be pointed out that only 7 of the 11 study cases had positive results, and that such an extreme diet could only be undertaken with constant medical supervision. To read more on this study, click here. To find out what your recommended daily calorie intake is (taking into account your age, height and weight), click here.

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