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Diabetes South Africa: Agents for Change project

Linoia Pullen is involved in the Agents for Change project, which aims to improve diabetes care by changing the attitudes and improving the skills of health professionals. In other words, they educate the people who educate those of us with diabetes!

As part of the project, they have a range of products that they sell – to individuals or groups. Here’s the list of what’s available:

The Diabetes SA education outreach arm called Agents for Change has sourced these tools to enable the message of a healthy diabetes lifestyle: that life with diabetes can be fun and uncomplicated. The following products are for sale:

  • Tape measures*: R10 plus R3 for P&P
  • Fridge magnets**: choose any two for R10 plus R3 for P&P
  • Monofilaments: R10 plus R3 P&P

*The most common symptom for the diagnosis of diabetes and the metabolic syndrome is central obesity. This tape measure is a simple,  fun way to monitor your progress towards slowly shedding these dangerous centimetres. It is an excellent tool for those in the disadvantaged communities who do want to be bothered with BMI or carbocounting etc

**A monofilament is essential as a home testing device to check loss of sensitivity before feet become at risk. This simple non invasive check every 3 months has saved 85% of amputations according to clinical research in the USA. The device can be used many times, on many patients.

To find out more, email Linoia here, or call her on 0722587132.

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One Comment

  1. Kgomotso Mathope Kgomotso Mathope

    I recently attended the agents for change workshop in mafikeng provincial hospital. what a wonderful experience!!!!! i weighed 79.5kg before attending the workshop and already i have lost 3kg and i feel so much healthier!!! thank you for all the tips, i am already sharing that with my family, friends, colleagues and patients!!!! thank you, i can’t wait for the follow up workshop……

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Sweet Life is a registered NPO/PBO (220-984) with a single goal: to improve diabetes in South Africa. We are funded by sponsorships and donations from aligned companies and organisations who believe in our work. We only share information that we believe benefits our community. While some of this information is linked to specific brands, it is not an official endorsement of that brand. We believe in empowering people with diabetes to make the best decisions they can, to live a healthy, happy life with diabetes.